Residential Services


  • EDCO provides each single-family residential customer with a GRAY automated cart for weekly trash collection.
  • Trash and recycling containers should be set out for collection before 6 a.m. on your service day.
  • Please set out trash containers in your designated collection area on the street with the wheels against the curb or the edge of the roadway. Arrows on the lid should point toward the street.
  • Automated carts should be placed at least 2 feet away from each other and obstructions such as parked cars, trees, telephone poles, and mailboxes.
  • Please be careful not to place carts in traffic areas, such as bike lanes, to avoid blocking travel paths.

Residents can request 35-, 64-, or 96-gallon trash, recycle, and organics carts. Please note that requesting a change in the size of your trash cart will affect your monthly rate.

Request Additional Carts

EDCO offers additional trash carts for a nominal fee. You can request them through EDCO’s Contact Us form.

Request Carts

96-Gallon Cart

appx. 35.75 x 29.75” x 43.25"

64-Gallon Cart

appx. 31.75" x 24.25" x 41.75"

32-Gallon Cart

appx. 24.25" x 19.75" x 37.50"

Mandatory Recycling Requirements

Click here for information on California’s mandatory recycling laws.

Your Service Area

You are currently viewing services for Del Mar.
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